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Accreditation Council for Continuing Accet Financial Stability Lawsuit

The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training

ACCET provides institutional accreditation for organizations whose primary function is for educational purposes and also for organizations offering continuing education as a clearly identified institutional objective within the operational entity, such as in-service corporate training. ACCET accreditation can include educational institutions that offer programs at locations other than the main headquarters under specified conditions and controls. ACCET accredits noncollegiate continuing education and training organizations throughout the United States and accredits programs abroad.

ACCET provides institutional accreditation for organizations whose primary function is for educational purposes and also for organizations offering continuing education as a clearly identified institutional objective within the operational entity, such as in-service corporate training. ACCET accreditation can include educational institutions that offer programs at locations other than the main headquarters under specified conditions and controls. ACCET accredits noncollegiate continuing education and training organizations throughout the United States and accredits programs abroad. Institutions that may be eligible for accreditation include:

Trade and professional associations

  • Private Career Schools
  • Corporate training departments
  • Intensive English Programs
  • Trade and Professional Associations
  • Labor union training programs
  • Religious organizations and ethical societies
  • Public affairs and cultural societies
  • Social service, volunteer and personal development organizations

The Eligibility Requirements for ACCET

To be eligible for accreditation by ACCET, an institution must meet the following requirements:

1.         It has an identified body of individuals actively involved in a prescribed learning format and setting.  Programs offered must provide a clearly interactive component of educational methodology appropriate to the subject matter and expected training outcomes.

2.         It meets applicable state licensing requirements.

3.         It has a predominant portion of the participants involved in a continuing education experience convergent with those outlined in Document 24 - Profile of Institutional Clientele and Programs.

4. It can demonstrate continuous, on-going and successful operation of the institution in the delivery of education and/or training programs for at least two consecutive years immediately prior to application.  At minimum, one graduating class must have completed their training. The term "continuous operation" means that the principal educational and training activities of an institution, for which accreditation or reaccreditation is sought, has proceeded as scheduled without interruption. Exceptions may be recognized after the fact when the interruption is caused by forces of nature, civil disorder, or abrupt and unforeseeable change in law or regulation affecting the institution. An institution may apply for an exception before the fact upon application to the Commission and a showing of good cause for the exception.  Applications must be submitted in a timely manner, considering the circumstances, in order to permit proper consideration of the application.

5.         It has not had a prior accreditation withdrawn from a nationally recognized accrediting agency, nor has it voluntarily withdrawn under a show cause action, within one year prior to application to ACCET.

6.         It has been under the same ownership and/or control for at least two (2) years immediately prior to application.  This requirement may be waived by the Commission upon provision of acceptable documentation showing the applicant institution is owned or controlled by an educational organization with a reputable history of stable operations and by individual(s) with extensive credentials that demonstrate competent administration of an accredited institution.

7.         It is an educational establishment that offers post secondary certificates, diplomas, or degrees up to the Associate's level.  If the institution offers more advanced degrees, specifically at the Bachelor's degree level and above, that entity will not be eligible for accreditation.  This restriction does not apply to a stand-alone department within a higher education institution that offers Intensive English Programs (IEPs).

8.        It prescribes a correspondent time function of education and training offered in continuing education units, clock hours, or credit hours.

9.         It offers education and training other than that required for academic credentials.

10.       It agrees upon application and accreditation to abide by the ACCET Bylaws, Principles of Ethics, and Standards for Accreditation, policies and procedures and to support the goals and integrity of the accreditation process.

The Accreditation Process for ACCET

Following a letter of inquiry from the institution, ACCET forwards introductory materials describing its function, structure, overview of accreditation and a preliminary profile request for information about the institution.

Formal application to ACCET for initial review and consideration to determine eligibility, requires the submission of ACCET Document 4 - Application for Accreditation, supporting documentation and a processing fee. Acceptance of the application is not an indication or assessment of the institution's compliance with the Standards for Accreditation but simply an initial indicator of congruence with the eligibility requirements.

Accreditation and Evaluation Workshop
All applicants are required to send at least one representative to the ACCET Accreditation and Evaluation Workshop before submitting the Analytic Self-Evaluation Report (ASER). The workshops are designed to provide an in-depth study of the ACCET accreditation process in order to assist the institution in the preparation of the ASER, the on-site evaluation and the actions of the Commission.

Analytic Self-Evaluation Report (ASER)
Following acceptance of the application and registration/participation at the Workshop, the institution will complete and submit to ACCET the Analytic Self-Evaluation Report (ASER). The ASER is not simply an assemblage of descriptive data and information but must reflect a penetrating analysis of the operation, its strengths and weaknesses. This evaluation is expected to be a vital experience which yields significant insights for program improvement. The analysis is expected to induce the applicant to reassess its objectives, resources, programs, policies, procedures, and achievements.

Examination Team
After the ASER has been received by the ACCET staff, arrangements are made for an examination team to make an on-site visit. Examination team members are chosen with particular regard for the unique characteristics of the institution and program(s) to be evaluated. Examination teams vary in size and constituency depending upon the focus and complexity of the applicant's program(s). The team members are assigned various individual responsibilities depending upon their area(s) of expertise with one team member serving as chairperson. Each major content area will be examined by a competent specialist with an educational and experiential background in the subject field. The composition of a team will typically include a Commission Representative, a Management/Administration Specialist, and a Continuing Education/Curriculum Content Specialist(s) as needed.

On-Site Examination
The On-Site Examination Team visit is a fact-finding initiative on behalf of the Accrediting Commission. The primary responsibility of the Team during the visit is to establish an objective comparative analysis of the institution's ASER and the operational characteristics relevant to each of the Standards for Accreditation, as demonstrated by actual practices. Team examiners will seek to verify the accuracy and validity of the information and data contained in the ASER through inquiry, observation and sampling techniques. Both administrative and educational activities are reviewed in the context of the ACCET standards, policies and procedures.

Team Report
The Team prepares a report of the visit and submits it to the ACCET office for processing. A copy of this report is sent to the applicant institution, providing an opportunity to respond and to submit additional documentation, pertinent to factors existent at the time of the visit, for consideration by the Accrediting Commission.

Accrediting Commission Action Report
The Accrediting Commission meets periodically to review and evaluate institutions, and may accredit for a period up to five years (a maximum of three years for initial vocational school applicants), defer accreditation pending further evidence or required changes, deny accreditation or, withdraw accreditation from an institution that is currently accredited. A written report of the Commission's decision is made to the applicant within 30 days from the conclusion of the Commission meeting.

Time Schedule
While there is no fixed, definitive timeframe for completing the accreditation review process, twelve (12) months is a reasonable estimate for an institution committed to a serious investment of the necessary resources. An initial application expires one year from the date of receipt at ACCET, unless officially accepted along with the subsequent receipt of an ASER, request for on-site visit and fees within that timeframe. Applicants accepted prior to the conclusion of a given Commission review cycle (April, August or December) may be scheduled for an on-site evaluation during the following review cycle based upon timely submission of the appropriate documentation and fees.

You should consider accreditation with ACCET if your corporation offers in service continuing education. I provide services to support your school throughout the accreditation process from basic education on the standards to oversight and management of the preparation process. By suggesting strategies to improve compliance, preparing for accreditation, quality management and improvement and providing the expertise you need to make quality happen. Please call me at 818-666-1333 or contact me and we can discuss getting your school accredited.

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