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Do You Have to Goto Meps Again

Military machine Archway Processing Stations, also known equally MEPS, are the gateway to the United States military for thousands of new recruits. MEPS falls nether the jurisdiction of the United states Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM). The agency has its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois merely there are more than 60 MEPS facilities beyond the U.s.a. including St. Louis, Tampa, and Memphis.

Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS)A Brief History Of MEPS

Some who chronicle the history of the armed services entrance processing station volition look as far dorsum as the American Revolution. Naturally MEPS did not formally exist back then in a manner nosotros would recognize today, simply there was some course of consecration for the troops who wanted to become role of the fight against England.

Some of the primeval attempts to screen new recruits echo what is done today. During the Civil War medical doctors were required to examine all new troops; there were few standardized procedures or criteria, though there were rules virtually "acceptable circumferences" for chest measurements, height, etc.

Hardly the most scientific screening process imaginable–some sources report Army doctors being required to note "below boilerplate meridian" as a possible indicator that the recruit or induct was prone to disease. Simply these procedures were a crude forerunner to later on, more than scientific examinations.

The real history of what we understand today as MEPS starts circa World War 1; A declaration of war signed past President Woodrow Wilson in 1917 pushed America's military into a dissimilar phase of its development.

According to 1 MEPS history guide, (written by Gaylan Johnson who wrote most MEPS history for USMEPCOM Public Affairs) by the time America had finished with Earth State of war Two, the military archway processing arrangement had become among the largest selection and classification systems for human labor ever seen at the fourth dimension.

The two Globe Wars, plus Korea and Vietnam, featured some course of a military draft; this made MEPS facilities a source of dread for those of higher age who were required to sign up for the draft. By the time the all-volunteer military machine was started in 1973, MEPS would notwithstanding acquit a scrap of a hangover from the draft era–recruits were hustled through dingy screening and exam rooms and got handling some felt was little meliorate than being herded like cattle.

Later on revisions of MEPS policies and procedures sought to modify this, and in contemporary times USMEPCOM literature includes talk of a "red rug policy" toward new recruits and a definite shift abroad from the before cattle-phone call mode treatment new arrivals got in the by. The 21st Century MEPS building that a new recruit visits will represent a vastly different experience than in decades past.

How MEPS Works

You lot don't start your armed forces journey at MEPS–y'all start by talking to a recruiter. MEPS is later-all new recruits ship out to basic training by way of MEPS, and your recruiter may or may not accept you to a USMEPCON facility for a variety of reasons–some newcomers ship out right away and don't get the "preview" of these facilities.

USMEPCOM literature advises that some may be permitted to become thru the MEPS processing experience so go back home to wait for their ship engagement to Kick Military camp; others may go to MEPS and depart immediately. It all depends on what you and your recruiter work out.

Others enroll in some version of a Delayed Enlistment programme and may come across MEPS more than once before their final send date. The location of the recruiter's office to the MEPS role may play a large role in this. In whatever instance, those joining the Ground forces, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Strength, or Declension Guard should expect to, at the very least, ship out to basic training from a MEPS station.

If your recruiter has scheduled you for a visit to MEPS that does non include difference for basic grooming, there are multiple reasons why you might go. They include:

  • Taking or retaking the ASVAB (depending on circumstances)
  • Getting a preview of what the experience is similar (some recruiters will opt for this, some won't)
  • Getting career field information or helping a recruit enter a unique career field
  • Any required paperwork or follow ups

Some who want to join the military machine may require waivers for legal run-ins, education, or other problems. A visit to MEPS may be needed to further such causes. Or they may not, depending on circumstances. The "pre-ship" visit isn't terribly unusual only it's not something all recruits tin expect to get. Many will see MEPS for the first time when they ship out to basic preparation.

What To Look At MEPS

When yous depart your hometown to the MEPS station to ship out to bones training, you lot should expect a journey that can concluding up to two days. Y'all arrive at MEPS, receive a briefing about what your rights and responsibilities are, and are given instructions about where y'all can become, curfews (yes, curfews employ), restrictions, and warnings about bear betwixt the time you lot arrive and send-out time.

Those who journey to a MEPS center may have to have a train or charabanc; you lot will likely be told what course of transportation you volition take and a ticket volition exist obtained for you if the recruiter is not personally taking you to the facility. When you go to MEPS earlier basic grooming, you should wait a two-day experience that may include the following:

  • Assistants of the ASVAB
  • Extensive physical exams including blood work, range-of-motion tests, etc.
  • Some recruits may need to discuss military career field options at this stage
  • Other recruits may non get a job classification at this point and enter military service in an "open full general" condition with a task to be determined after
  • Fingerprinting and background checks
  • Assistants of the Oath of Enlistment

Some MEPS experiences are shorter than two days, others longer. One important thing to call back about processing through MEPS is that the military staff at that place may or may non know virtually any prior arrangements you lot accept made with your recruiter, especially where military job specialties, departure dates, and other details become.

Exist certain you have all relevant paperwork showing what you take already worked out with your recruiter–take all your arrangements in writing and handy should you need them.

What You Should Bring To MEPS

Care for MEPS like whatsoever job interview and bring your Social Security Carte, Birth Document, and Drivers License or state-issued photo ID card. You should bring your prescription spectacles or contacts, avert wearing habiliment with images or phrases that may be considered offensive (this is a problem at MEPS occasionally, believe it or not), and exercise not bring valuables.

When yous send out to Kicking Campsite, your civilian clothes, personal items, and your mobile devices are subject to being placed in storage once y'all arrive at Basic Training–presume that none of what you hand-conduct to MEPS volition be accessible once you arrive for training until your Training Instructor says you can admission it or there are other provisions fabricated for you lot in the training surroundings.

Taking The ASVAB At MEPS

In some cases you may be required to accept or retake the ASVAB or Cat-ASVAB while processing; however, if you take already done so, be sure to permit the MEPS staff know as y'all may be exempt from this requirement (depending on circumstances). Those who practice have or retake the ASVAB at MEPS will be informed of their scores and how they affect their career choices.

The MEPS Physical

Exist prepared for a complete physical, though non all at once and non necessarily in private. New recruits should be prepared to remove some or all of their wearable during this procedure.

You may be required to, as a group, exercise mobility and range-of-movement tests that involve a doctor observing your body (male recruits may be asked to strip to their undergarments for these tests) to observe concrete defects, mobility limitations, etc.  Female recruits are administered a private pregnancy examination.

You will besides exist administered urine and blood tests, drug and alcohol tests, middle and ear exams, and more. You should be given a medical exam/interview and if specialized tests are needed, these may exist ordered or performed on an equally-needed basis. If y'all take a medical condition requiring a waiver for entry into the military, you must have this waiver prior to this process.

What To Know About Taking The Oath Of Enlistment At MEPS

Taking the oath of enlistment is i of the biggest moments a new recruit has while in-processing. It's a weighty moment for many, and can go a flake emotional. Just there is a very important dimension to this no new recruit should enter armed forces service without because–taking the oath means y'all are officially inbound the United States Military and becoming field of study to the Uniform Code Of Military Justice.

That'southward a big deal, merely some new recruits mistakenly believe that taking the oath means you are "In the Army now" and can't change your mind. How true is this?

The fact is, some recruits don't make it through Boot Camp. They launder out, they accept physical issues that prevent them from completing the grooming, or there are other issues. Some merely arrive at basic training and realize they fabricated a mistake in joining the armed forces.

Whatever reason for not completing the preparation, there is no shame in making the determination to leave boot camp if the new recruit has truly made a mistake and isn't just suffering a example of a rough adjustment from civilian life to a military career.

We say all that to inform new recruits that in spite of taking the oath of enlistment, you are not legally bound to complete your military training. In fact, until you graduate from Bones Training, yous have the ability to cease at any fourth dimension. It's not easy to practice, and the Training Instructors volition definitely try to talk y'all out of doing so. And in some cases, that's admittedly the correct approach–some merely aren't cut out for professional armed forces service.

Merely in other cases, it may exist a case of the recruit and drill instructor trying to decide if that scenario applies, or if the recruit simply has "growing pains." The takeaway here? Y'all can still exit if you haven't graduated basic training. You will have to follow the process it takes to split up in this manner–you don't get to simply walk out the front gate–but the process can and does happen. Don't expect to go home immediately, only do await to discuss your situation and choices with the Training Instructors assigned to you.

About The Author Joe Wallace is a xiii-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a former reporter for Air Force Idiot box News
